The Depths

"Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time." - H. P. Lovecraft

One of the greatest fears of humanity is the unknown, and what is more unknown then the place that makes up 71% of planet? Well- to put the sheer mystery of the ocean into context we know more about the moon then our own oceans. This is mainly because we cannot travel down due to water pressure. This difference makes the ocean not only inaccessible but also alien. The lifeforms down there evolved with far harsher limitations than us. Let's take a look at a few of the standouts, yeah?

Angel With a Shotgun (Reflex)

Your eyes do not decieve you this is a real animal. It may look like a computer generated creature in some sci-fi movie but the sea angel is very much a real animal. The sea angel is a sea slug that is somewhat transparent and gelatonious. The sea angel looks blue agaisnt water and has a striking yellow passing inside them. Sea angels can be found all over the world as well! So next time you find yourself in the suffocating expanse of the ocean check for sea angels in pelagic zones! Sea angels can be found from the top of the ocean to 150 meters down. Similarly these guys are pretty slow if want to take a glance at them. Traveling at about 0.22 mph sea angels aren't the quickest slugs. Although considering their size of less than 5cm you will have a tougher time spotting them.

Despite the image that the name "angel" conjures up, sea angels's wings- or parapodia are more like overdeveloped feet than they are wings.

Another interesting fact is that these silly guys also have no gender! Well- sort of. Sea angels have both male and female organs during their lifetime. They develop male organs first. As you continue reading you'll see many marine animals have a unique gender construction.
But that isn't what youre interested in. Lets get to the curiousity. Sea angels will basically die for their children to overtake their bodies. Sea angels have children through the use of brood pouches. These children will continue to develop until they must destroy their parent. Mind you, sea angels only live about 1-2 years. And on the topic of disturbing finds, heres how a sea angel eats.

Tendrils burst outwards from the sea angels to destroy whomever have had the audacity to disturb it. Despite it's angelic apearence these eldritch terrors are just wearing disguises!

Bone Apple Tea

Boneworms also known as "zombie worms" are worms that lives deep in the abyss usually on decaying whale corprses. These worms don't have teeth rather they secrete an acid that breaks down the host's bones! Boneworms collect nutriets from the host's bones usually whales but they also feast on other vertebrates.

Heres a freaky fact, in one female boneworm 50 - 100 dwarf males live inside them! These males never even develop past the laval stage- talk about a "manchild"... it goes to show just how alien marine animals are, I mean- reread this paragraph and think of the worms as humans.

Boneworms can only live due to whale falls (put simply a whale dies and it's corpse gets lodged somewhere in the great below greater than 1,000 m). Despite the macabe nature of such an incident these incidents are actually incredibly helpful to the boneworms! Whale carcasses are huge and need to be destroyed but boneworms and other animals flourish on their remains! Whale carcasses ironically make a very diverse and lively ecosystem.

Reality Looks a Whole Lot Stranger Than Fiction

This is a nudibranchs, a soft-bodied gastropod mollusc. More specically this is a Spanish Dancer. These sea slugs come in all shapes and sizes. Some theorize their extraordinary colours are ward off creatures- I mean what's scarier than a tiny clown?

Here is another example of a nudibranch, a blue glaucus better known as a blue dragon. Although despite the name this is infact a type of sea slug. Blue glaucus are interesting because they will attack the venomous Portuguese man o' war and collect venomous parts of the organism to store. They reuse these parts agaisnt their prey. These parts will be pushed into the top creature's cerata. Those are the parts that look a bit like tendrils.

Doctors Hate Them !

This is a Turritopsis dohrnii. A jellyfish that gives vampire squids a run for their money. These jellies are immortal they use a process of literal de-aging to do this. A turritopsis dohrnii that experince injury or illness it can revert to a polyp (it's earliest stage of life) then regrow until it must return to a polyp once more. This ability allows the jelly to hijack life's most important rule: NO SECOND CHANCES. Well I suppose it's not a second chance as it doesn't really die. Although it should be noted that this can only occur in perfect circumstances. And it is extremely rare.

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